she said she hoped maybe we had connections or knew the mayor because suburb jobs are hard to come by. she has a masters and 15 years experience teaching internationally and here and she's been trying for years to get a job in the suburbs.
and just like that i forgot.
I started imagining working at mcdonalds or taco bell or shoveling snow with no coat in chicago blizzards.
i forgot how faithful God has been to us.
how he blessed me with 2 interviews in one day after nothing for months.
how he gave me a job at an amazing school with awesome 2nd graders.
how we have never, ever, not-for-once, gone without anything we have ever needed or even wanted.
so after sleeping bad and having horrible dreams all night, i read psalm 94:19 this morning
'when the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul'
i won't forget again because the Lord has an amazing plan for us and i'll rest in Him until we get to see what it is.
Great reminder Jessica! Thanks for that!
Amen sister!
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