October 28, 2010

chevron prints

so i've been completely loving all the chevron prints around lately & really wanted to try it out. unfortunately, when it comes to things being symmetrical, i'm quirky. i knew if it tried to free hand it, it would drive me completely insane.
I finally found this little tutorial and used their printouts to guide me.


super cheap tray that i let stay like this for way too long

step 1 - spray painted white

step 2 - tracing on the chevron print

step 3 - painting and trying not to let it drive me crazy. i can't look at it too close or it will. i also topped it off with a clear coat of sealer since we toss anything & everything into it on our coffee table.


chevron project take 2: super cheap canvases to go on the wall collage
all traced and taped off
painted with brown
oh how i love the peeling process
quite exciting

don't look too close because they're not perfect, but definitely a pop of fun!


Kristen said...

very cute!!

Michaela said...

This is great! Adds a touch of sparkle to the room, I'm sure (:


avandia recall